Are you more prone to having an ACL injury?

Over 200,000 people deal with ACL injuries every single year. Our mission is to make knee problems one less soccer-girl-problem with our ACL Injury Prevention Pack.

This 7-video series contains a 3-part test to assess your risk for ACL injury and over 25 exercises to help make you a more well-balanced & healthier athlete through focusing on safe movement patterns, body-awareness, plyometrics, strength and flexibility!


Coach Alanna, Founder of SoccerGrlProbs and Certified Strength & Conditioning Coach, explains each video in a fun and easily digestible way.

3-part ACL Injury Risk Assessment

You start out the video series by taking a 3-part test to see how at risk you are for ACL injury! This is an amazing assessment to do multiple times a year.

25 Exercises

The remaining videos are bodyweight and band workouts, as well as stretching exercises! These exercises help make you a more well-balanced & healthier athlete through focusing on safe movement patterns, body-awareness, plyometrics, strength and flexibility!

15-page Injury Risk Reduction Workbook

We provide you with a mini PDF workbook that follows along with the videos giving you space to write down reflections and notes on what you've learned.

Two out of the three Founders of SoccerGrlProbs tore their ACLs! We've been in your cleats. That is why we are so passionate about helping Ladyballers proactively support their bodies to reduce their risk of injury.