Are you more prone to having an ACL injury?
Over 200,000 people deal with ACL injuries every single year. Our mission is to make knee problems one less soccer-girl-problem with our ACL Injury Prevention Pack.
This 7-video series contains a 3-part test to assess your risk for ACL injury and over 25 exercises to help make you a more well-balanced & healthier athlete through focusing on safe movement patterns, body-awareness, plyometrics, strength and flexibility!
Coach Alanna, Founder of SoccerGrlProbs and Certified Strength & Conditioning Coach, explains each video in a fun and easily digestible way.
3-part ACL Injury Risk Assessment
You start out the video series by taking a 3-part test to see how at risk you are for ACL injury! This is an amazing assessment to do multiple times a year.
25 Exercises
The remaining videos are bodyweight and band workouts, as well as stretching exercises! These exercises help make you a more well-balanced & healthier athlete through focusing on safe movement patterns, body-awareness, plyometrics, strength and flexibility!
15-page Injury Risk Reduction Workbook
We provide you with a mini PDF workbook that follows along with the videos giving you space to write down reflections and notes on what you've learned.
ACL Injury Reduction Risk Pack
- Video 1: Intro To The Series (0:45)
- Video 2: Assessing Your ACL Risk (3 Exercises inside) (4:18)
- Video 3: Mini-Band Circuit (1:30)
- Video 4: Body-weight Circuit (2:09)
- Video 5: Stretching & Mobility (3:16)
- Video 6: Mini-Band Circuit #2 (2:00)
- Video 7: Lower-body Strength Circuit (3:17)
- Bonus Resources
- Congrats! You Did It!